How it all began..

Where Should We Begin?

Perhaps we should start with a Belgian who dreamed of Scandinavia and Sweden. As he grew older, he decided to move to Sweden, and naturally, Stockholm was the easiest choice. There, he worked as a barista and developed a deep passion for learning more about coffee—its flavors, the intricate process, and everything that goes into making a perfect cup.

From Champion Barista to Coffee Roaster

In 2013, he thought it would be fun to test his skills against other baristas in Sweden and competed in the Swedish Latte Art Championship—which he won. In 2014, he competed again and won once more. At the World Championship in Portland, he placed an impressive fourth.

But then there was life in Stockholm—spending too much time on the subway, missing the beauty of nature. That’s when Gotland started calling. The island’s nature was breathtaking, and Visby had a unique magic of its own. But what truly stood out were the people. Living on an island seemed to encourage creativity and foster a different kind of entrepreneurship—and that was inspiring.

The Birth of Gute Rosteri

Despite Gotland’s many charming cafés and restaurants, good coffee was hard to find. Combined with a growing passion to learn more about the entire coffee process—from berry to cup—the Belgian decided to start his own coffee roastery. The goal? Make it easier for everyone on Gotland to find truly great coffee.

Sustainability Was Never a Question

When it came to choosing organic coffee, there was no debate—it was simply ecoLOGICAL (see what we did there? 😉). A truly great cup of coffee should be exceptional in flavor while also leaving the smallest possible impact on the environment.

I hope you, too, will enjoy a great cup of coffee from Gute Rosteri.

/Jelle Van Echelpoel, Belgian & Founder of Gute Rosteri
